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Life 101: Unexpected life lessons from our favourite reality TV stars

WHETHER it’s a chance for us to lay back and switch off our brains, or just bookmark some quotes to use for our conversations later, reality TV has a special place in our hearts.

But it isn’t just for entertainment, and we’re here to prove it. If you read between the lines, you may learn something truly valuable from the minimally scripted world of real-life drama.

Whether it’s a raw discussion about the ever-changing, unattainable beauty standards in social media or the challenges of maintaining long-distance friendships, the hour of TV is worth picking up some nuggets of wisdom along the way.

Let’s check out these unexpected life lessons we’ve picked up from our favourite stars.

1. Nurture your long-distance friendships, Are You Sure?

Did you know that the youngest members, or maknaes, of BTS – Jimin and Jung Kook –  have their own reality TV show? It is rather odd to see 'JiKook' without the other five, touring around the globe in sold-out stadiums with their multiple hit songs, and they probably feel the same.

After spending some time together while on their 'friendship trip,' the boys end up video-calling V and Suga, chatting about life alongside some friendly banter. Small moments like these remind us of how strong the bond of friendship can be, no matter the distance.

So, take a page from their book: maybe it’s time to call your friends and let them know how much they mean to you. Or, if you’re anything like Jimin, keep pestering your loved ones until they say a few colourful words about how clingy you are - in its own way, that’s a love language.

2. Remain positive in the face of adversity, The Zone: Survival Mission Season 3

Imagine the worst-case scenario you could find yourself in – we’re talking glue traps, zombies, and mind-bending puzzles. Now imagine being put in those situations while on TV for the entire world to witness your comical reactions to it.

With The Zone: Survival Mission, it’s hard to predict the different simulations one might find themselves in.

Even cast member Jaesuk admitted that there were situations that he simply did not enjoy, like the 'up in the sky' challenge in season one. Despite this, the stars somehow end every episode with loud, boisterous laughter.

While we’re sure that the challenges provided in different Zones aren’t exactly welcoming, each host seems to roll with the unexpected surprises with positivity and cheer – something we could all emulate sometimes.

3. Maintain an open mind in all your experiences, My Name is Gabriel

My Name is Gabriel follows celebrities Park Bogum, Park Myungsoo, and Yeom Hyeran as they leave South Korea, moving away from their artfully curated personas. Controlled by an AI named Gabriel, the stars find themselves scattered across the globe with new aliases.

Being far away from home can feel rather overwhelming. It’s easy for us to empathise with Myungsoo in particular, who had a little bit of a rocky start to his role in Thailand.

Facing challenging weather conditions, a demanding job, along with his new wife and a 6-month-old child, it’s safe to say that Myungsoo was rather thrown into the deep end.

Despite this, upon his departure, Myungsoo realised how attached he had grown to his new family, shedding tears and expressing his fondness for them, along with hopes to see them in Korea.

New experiences are always scary, but keeping an open mind can actually be rewarding. And who knows? You might even enjoy the process.

4. Embrace every part of you, The Kardashians

A household name to reality show fans, The Kardashians are no strangers to reality TV buffs, and it may seem like there really aren’t that many life lessons to learn from the Kardashian women.

We beg to differ by shining the spotlight on our personal favourite scene in the fifth episode of season five. Fans are probably more than familiar with the increasingly unrealistic beauty standards in the industry, with Kim’s journey, in particular, being well-documented.

Kim seems to take this in stride, telling her team that if she wants to pursue acting, she only has 'about 10 years where she still looks good' before taking some time off.  Kim also pokes fun at her cosmetic procedures, claiming that she’s unable to take roles that are too expressive due to her Botox.

It’s easy for us to judge stars like Kim, but we can only imagine how difficult it can be when you’re under the public eye almost 24/7.

Owning your body and identity is the best thing you can do for yourself. Embrace who you are and pursue your dreams without a care in the world. If Kim can do it even under immense pressure and still appear composed, what’s stopping you, really?

5. Foster a good relationship with your colleagues, Vanderpump Villa

Lisa Vanderpump is no stranger to the reality TV scene, and her latest spin-off, Vanderpump Villa, takes us to France in Château Rosabelle, where she’s tasked a group of employees to kick-start their dream of becoming a reality star.

So, how exactly do you balance comedy, romance and drama, all while being employee-of-the-month? In episode three, there’s a funny little scene of Eric, the château manager, getting caught talking to himself after getting a scolding from Lisa.

It’s a hilarious exchange that ends with Lisa telling him that he’d look crazy if he was caught by a guest, but he gives a candid response of it being his coping mechanism, as well as it being in Lisa’s 'best interest'.

Enjoy a good mix of fun while at work – it’s the secret to keeping things interesting and calm. And if we may share one more piece of advice, try your best to get along with your colleagues, because they could be your closest friends away from home.

So, are you looking at reality shows in a whole new light yet? Catch all these titles and more, exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar. - 7KLIK


[PHOTO CREDITS: Disney+ Hotstar]

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