THIS month, Cartoon Network will be bringing a brand new series, Wacky Races, set to premiere on 13th May (Sunday) @ 10.00am! This new series follows the adventures of Pennelope Pitstop and Peter Perfect as they race in their wacky cars. You will hear laughter roar when the engines start.

Fans can also catch brand new episodes of their favourite shows over the weekends: Ben 10 premiering 19th May (Saturdays) @ 10.00am, Adventure Time premiering 6th May (Sunday) @ 10.30am, The Powerpuff Girls premiering 20th May (Sunday) @ 10.30am and Steven Universe premiering 27th May (Sunday) @ 10.30am.

BEN 10 | Brand New Episodes
19th May, Saturdays at 10.00am

All the Action – Aliens! Battles! Explosions! Weapons! Bad Guys! All the ingredients for an adrenaline-fueled action hero in these brand-new season 2 episodes! Ben’s aliens are equipped with new omni-enhanced powers, though Ben does not fully understand why, he is figuring out how to best use them against the forces of evil.

ADVENTURE TIME | Brand New Episodes
6th May, Sundays at 10.30am

Finn, the human boy with the awesome hat, and Jake, the wise dog, are close friends and partners in strange adventures in the land of Ooo. In these adventures, the people of Ooo are made to question the nature of their present lives and relationships.

WACKY RACES | Brand New Series
13th May, Sundays at 10.30am

When the engines start, the laughter roars in this animated comedy series featuring the return of your favorite racers … and, of course, their wacky cars!  Pennelope Pitstop in the Compact Pussycat is the sassy Southern bell whose charm and intelligence make her a formidable racer. 

Pennelope’s best friend, Peter Perfect in the Turbo Terrific, has a big heart and an even bigger ego.  Meanwhile, in the Mean Machine, Dick Dastardly and his accomplice, Muttley, continue to stop at nothing to win the race by any means necessary.

20th May, Sundays at 10:30am 

The city of Townsville may be a beautiful, bustling metropolis, but don't be fooled! There's evil afoot! And only three things can keep the bad guys at bay: Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, three super-powered little girls, known to their fans (and villains everywhere) as the Powerpuff Girls. With a parasitic alien on the loose in their school, the Powerpuff Girls and Bliss have to find a way to stop it before the big dance.

 STEVEN UNIVERSE | Brand New Episode
27th February, Sundays at 10.30am 

Steven Universe - Steven is the proverbial "little brother" to a team of magical guardians of humanity, the CRYSTAL GEMS! Steven may not be as powerful as the Crystal Gems. Or as smart. And he may not have any control over the magical powers that come out of his bellybutton. But that doesn't stop him from joining Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl on their magical adventures – where Steven always finds a surprising way to save the day.


Available May 2018

Punch, kick and smash an endless army of monsters with The Powerpuff Girls in Ready, Set, Monsters!
(Available iTunes App Store, Google Play Store & Amazon App Store)

Available late May 2018

Major content update coming to the fun and exciting CN Superstar Soccer Goal!

(Available iTunes App Store & Google Play Store)

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